A 6 Month Mentorship To Wildly Raise Your Frequency, Heal Your Body And Transform It, Experience Exponential Spiritual Growth And Connect More Deeply To Your Power And Higher Self


*This Journey Begins Monday January 13th, 2025*

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The ambitious soul that desires to accelerate to a higher frequency and manifest a powerful and expansive reality for herself

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The woman who desires to fully embody her divinity and easily taps into her intuitive gifts and connects to her higher self

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The woman who desires to experience more abundance, prosperity, divine connection and miracles on a daily basis

Have you been feeling like you're operating at just a fraction of your potential?


This deep knowing that you have so much more to be expressed, experienced and overall live a bigger, more abundant filled life?


Yet no matter what you do, you just haven't been able to reach that next level expansion and energetic upgrade?


I used to feel this way daily and it wasn't until I started learning frequency medicine, alchemy and the power that energetics hold when creating a powerful reality.


Once I put this work into practice, everything in my life shifted and I began to manifest powerfully, all I was desiring in both my life and my business.



Connect more deeply with your soul?


Breakthrough limits and the ceiling of what you thought was possible?


Learn and receive the healing modalities that actually create permanent change and expansion? 


Have the energetic support needed for your business and life?


Activate your magnetism to begin attracting your desires instead of chasing them?


Heal and alchemize what's been holding you back?


Have energetic shifts on a mind, body and soul level with ease?


Discover how to tap into your soul's information to access your higher self and full potential?


Rise in frequency and begin to master your energy and life?


Have a powerful community of women who are on the same path and fully support each other?

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Sophie Ferranti
"My personal growth and the growth of my business has taken amazing leaps since joining this sacred container and since giving myself the permission to level up"
"Joining the Inner Circle was something I contemplated for what felt like forever. Last round I finally pulled the trigger and decided to listen to what my soul was pushing me to do. I finally decided to push aside the fear and invest in myself and my growth. Instantly after signing up I received SO much confirmation that I made the perfect decision and my life was about to change for the better. My first round with this group is coming to an end, but it’s truly only just the beginning. I knew I had to be a part of this amazing community for another round (& likely many more to come). Taylor offers the most beautiful space, support and resources. I’ve always wanted a group of “girlfriends” who were on the same “wavelength” as me and the Inner Circle gives me all that plus more! My personal growth and the growth of my business has taken amazing leaps since joining this sacred container and since giving myself the permission to level up. I honestly could never thank Taylor enough for providing us with the most beautiful, loving and light filled group"
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 Stephanie O.
"Taylor assisted me in removing any blocks/ lower frequencies that have paralyzed me in the past."
"Being a part of the Inner Circle has transformed me in many ways. I find myself achieving even bigger goals, having more clarity and a deeper connection to my inner truth and intuition. Letting go of what and who no longer serves me. Taylor was key to assisting in this transformation. Everything I need and needed to accomplish this was and is always inside me. Taylor assisted me in removing any blocks/ lower frequencies that have paralyzed me in the past. The content she shares made it easier for me to digest information that not only she gave me but also information that I had already had. The Inner Circle has provided tools to step more fully in my power with grace and ease. I am forever grateful for Taylor and her mentoring. I look forward to the expansion her teachings will continue to assist me bring into being. I joined to learn alchemy and I learned to become an alchemist."
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Autumn Lopez
"I was that person that kept saying, “One day I’ll join when the time is right”. I stopped making excuses and the last six months have quite literally left me speechless. Not only have I been able to energetically align to a fun job that has doubled my income, but some chronic pain that I had been having for years has almost completely dissipated. I’m signed up for the next round and I am already feeling the shifts in myself. Beyond grateful for Taylor and this container of bold light workers"
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 ►12 Zoom calls in total held every other Wednesday of the month at 10am MST with powerful healings and teachings on each call
($15,000 Value)
â–ş Weekly personalized remote (distance) healing sessions to clear and release lower frequencies from your body, home and business while energetically upgrading your mental, emotional and physical body to raise your vibrational frequency
($7,000 Value)


â–ş NEW: Private Podcast feed for daily downloads and teachings and a Private Facebook group For questions

(Priceless Value!)

► BONUS: Access To ALL Past Programs And Courses I've Created Including: Light Body, Divine Flow, Worthy Woman, Playing The Field, Steadfast, Frequency Rising, Emergence, Blessed, Superhuman And In My Power.

($11,000 Value)

► BONUS: Access To All NEW Offerings I Create Within The 6 Month Period. This Includes all 4 Week Courses, Trainings, Webinars and Masterclasses 

($5,000 Value)

â–ş BONUS: Frequency Activation Attunements Including High Frequency Music And Meditations

($2,000 Value)


$75,833 Worth of Teachings, Healings, Transformation and Bonuses

There will also be nearly daily teachings and downloads uploaded into a private podcast feed!

This is for both easy consumption and quick daily activations to get you in your power and provide kick ass healings.

$75,833 Worth of Teachings, Healings, Transformation and Bonuses


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Access To ALL Courses I've Previously Created Including:

Light Body, Divine Flow, Worthy Woman, Playing The Field, Steadfast, Frequency Rising, Emergence, Blessed, Superhuman And In My Power

($11,000 Value)

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Access To All New Offerings I Create Within The 6 Month Period.

*This Includes all 4 Week Courses, Trainings, Webinars and Masterclasses* 

($5,000 Value)

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Frequency Activation Attunements Including High Frequency Music And Meditations

($2,000 Value)

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Betty Mora
"She has taught me how to become a pro at manifesting from financial goals, to spiritual goals."
"So many amazing things to say about Taylor. She has been my mentor for 3 years now and has helped me understand more of who I am, and build the trust within myself that I had lacked for many years. She has taught me how to become a pro at manifesting from financial goals, to spiritual goals. She is someone you want on your team if you’re looking to dive deep into spiritual work, and connect with your authentic self. She is not someone who will teach you things at a surface level, her knowledge is deeper than that. Thank you, Taylor for mentoring me through this journey of self growth and self mastery"
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Kristy C.
"I have felt the shackles of self judgment, playing small and people pleasing quite literally crumble away and have remembered my own strong, authentic voice in the process." 
"Words cannot do justice to the shifts I have experienced during the 6 months I've been a member of Taylor's Inner Circle! I have felt the shackles of self judgment, playing small and people pleasing quite literally crumble away and have remembered my own strong, authentic voice in the process. Taylor is an absolutely lovely human! Her enthusiasm, integrity, conviction, strength and love shines through in everything she does, and although she is a very powerful teacher, at her core she is here to remind all of us beautiful women that we already have tremendous power within ourselves, which is ours to claim if we are willing to do the deep work! I will be eternally grateful to Taylor for shining her light so strongly, and helping so many other women (including myself) to do the same."
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 Heidi Conto
“I have been able to step more into my power.”
“Through her programs and being a part of her Self-Mastery class, I have been able to release and heal areas of my life that I have struggled to shift in other programs or healing sessions. I have been able to step more into my power, find my voice/speak my truth, release limiting beliefs, and tap into a creative part of my soul that I never knew was really there. Everything about Taylor Stone is truly transforming. If you are ready to shift into who you are truly designed to be then definitely check out Taylor’s program or any other master course that calls to your soul. I am truly grateful for all the healings, guidance, and creative content Taylor has shared with women all across the world”
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Taylor Stone is a leader in higher consciousness, self mastery and energetics. Through her top rated podcast “Vibe Higher” and her expansive courses and mentorship, Taylor helps high achieving women raise their frequency to attract what it is they desire. She provides the tools to help women create their individual heaven on earth working in conjunction with a God and their own responsibility and a powerful co-creator. Combining her background as a former NFL Cheerleader, health sciences degrees, self mastery and alchemical energy healing practices, she’s able to provide her clients with a wide range of proven modalities and techniques to step more into their power and impact in the world. Her mission is to help women remember the power they hold within to become their own self healer and live out their full purpose and potential as a leader.
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 Laura Barclay
“Not only does Taylor teach self mastery well, with passion but she over delivers and paves the way for permanent change, in implementing this power of self mastery into your life, learning it and then practice it.”
"Thank god, I listened to my soul. It has made a profound difference in my life, in healing, mastering my emotions, the relationship I have with myself and others. Not only does Taylor teach self mastery well, with passion but she over delivers and paves the way for permanent change, in implementing this power of self mastery into your life, learning it and then practice it. I have been very conscious of making these changes and they are now habits and a part of my morning ritual. I am forever grateful for Taylor and her passion for passing on her experience, wisdom and truth. Invest in yourself, follow your soul and work with Taylor. Thank you for shining your light & heightening that heaven is here on earth."

Unlike Other Programs, I Cover The Energetic, Scientific And Strategic Principles Along With Powerful Healings That Create Permanent Shifts And Transformation

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Stepping Into Your Divine Power And Purpose

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Creating A Deeper Connection With God, Your Soul And Intuition

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Energetic Frequency of Money, Manifestation And Attracting Abundance

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Opening Up Your Psychic Gifts, Connecting With Your Soul, Higher Consciousness And The Universe

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Upgrading And Healing Of Chakras, Body Optimization, Anti-Aging And Wellness Through The Mind And Body Connection

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Nervous System Regulation, Energetic Boundaries And Empathic Protection Against Lower Level Energies

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Mastering Your Mind, Living Boldly And Without Fear And Limitations

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Quantum Leaping And Shifting Timelines

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Archetypes And Divine Feminine Energy

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Raising Your Vibrational Frequency Through Alchemical Energy Healing

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Business Energetics And The Codes To Attracting More Clients And Prosperity

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Sashenka Chavez
"Let me tell you, there is no one more equipped than Taylor who will give you the tools and the how-to in living the life you cannot even begin to imagine! Her mentorship is hands down the best investment I have ever made."
"I couldn't be happier to recommend Taylor Stone's Inner Circle! What separates and elevates a true, spiritual mentor from the rest is whether or not their main focus and goal is to lead you back to yourself; to re-strengthen your integrity to your spirit and to empower you to fully trust in yourself. Taylor did just that for me and so much more since I started taking her courses. The shifts I've seen in my life, the way I show up standing fully in my power, the freedom I feel and so much more is absolutely priceless! I cannot recognize myself from the timid, highly insecure, self conscious woman I was 3 years ago pre-Inner Circle. We live in a day and age of information where it is not enough just to know, but to know how. Let me tell you, there is no one more equipped than Taylor who will give you the tools and the how-to in living the life you cannot even begin to imagine! Her mentorship is hands down the best investment I have ever made."
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 Christina Kelly
"As a result, I am not only more self-aware of who I have been, but I know what I need to do to become the woman I have always dreamed of being."
"Being a part of Taylor Stone's Inner Circle has been truly life changing. Her training flows organically yet is always outlined and organization. I feel so blessed to be a part of this community. As a result, I am not only more self-aware of who I have been, but I know what I need to do to become the woman I have always dreamed of being. If you are wanting to level up in all areas of your life, this is definitely the program for you! If you are debating whether or not to join one of Taylor's programs, ask yourself if you want to learn what your highest self looks like. If you answer is yes, then sign up, trust, and get excited for all of the amazing things coming your way!"
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  • Clarity healings and enhancements so you begin to receive more downloads of information and open up to clearer communication with your soul. 


  • Crystalline and key code activations (hello, magnetism) in all 4 etheric bodies to activate more illumination and power within you.


  • Clearing and healing of energetic blocks, unconscious energy, unworthiness energy, fear, pain and any lack programming going through your energy field and in your body. Alchemy releases these energies and adds in more Christ consciousness, joy, bliss and other higher frequencies so you’re filled with more light and energy. Triggers begin to disappear and you're filled with more freedom, confidence and inner peace.


  • Energetic cleansing and clearing of your home, electronics, work space and vehicle. You’d be surprised how much lower frequencies and other energies can affect your health, life and business if not cleared regularly.


  • Cutting of energetic cording and karma and agreements. Clearing of these karmic hooks and cordings help you to stop repeating patterns that have kept you running in a loop. It moves out energies that keep you stuck and in the same scenarios over and over again.


  • Business alchemy to keep the energy high and to attract more sales and aligned clients. Your business is an entity and a container and needs energetic upkeep just as much as your strategy does. I help keep everything clear with pristine energy so you begin to attract more abundance effortlessly and with ease. 


  • Filtration systems for organs, tissues and glands (including the immune system, lymphatic system, nervous system, blood and skin). With the toxins present in today's society, eating nourishing foods, hydrating and biohacking your body just isn't enough. The body needs energetic upgrades just like our energy does and through alchemy I can help the body process more efficiently to stay in peak health and performance while increasing your energy.
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Dominique Velasquez
“My life has taken a 180 degree turn. I literally feel high on life, EVERY thing is like magic for me right now. I hosted my first Healing Hour a few weeks ago & 14 women came. The downloads are flying in, I have amazing energy, I fell in love again with my hubby of 20 years. My life has never felt this good. This medicine works when you do the work & believe”
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Pay In Full (Save $300)


  • Voxer 1:1 support every Wednesday of the month
  • 2 Bi-weekly Zoom calls every month with powerful teachings, healings and mentorship
  • Personalized energy healing every week
  • Private Podcast Feed for daily teachings and Private Facebook group for peer to peer support and questions
  • Access to any new masterclass, training or program I create within the 6 month timeframe 
  • All bonuses including ALL current courses which you receive access to TODAY once you reserve your spot

6 Monthly Payments


  • Voxer 1:1 support every Wednesday of the month
  • 2 Bi-weekly Zoom calls every month with powerful teachings, healings and mentorship
  • Personalized energy healing every week
  • Private Podcast Feed for daily teachings and Private Facebook group for peer to peer support and questions
  • Access to any new masterclass, training or program I create within the 6 month timeframe
  • All bonuses including ALL current courses which you receive access to TODAY once you reserve your spot

10 Monthly Payments


  • Voxer 1:1 support every Wednesday of the month
  • 2 Bi-weekly Zoom calls every month with powerful teachings, healings and mentorship
  • Personalized energy healing every week
  • Private Podcast Feed for daily teachings and Private Facebook group for peer to peer support and questions
  • Access to any new masterclass, training or program I create within the 6 month timeframe
  • All bonuses including ALL current courses which you receive access to TODAY once you reserve your spot
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The Inner Circle Is Your Unfair Advantage When It Comes To Achieving Success In ALL Areas Of Your Life.


Unlike Other Courses And Mentorships, I Incorporate Weekly Energy Healing Sessions To Clear Out Stuck And Stagnant Energy That's Been Holding You Back While Wildly Raising Your Vibrational Frequency.


 The Transformation That Will occur Within These 6 Months Are Like Nothing You've Ever Experienced Before.

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 Jessica Dill
"The healing's and codes that you embed into your work are worth every dime by themselves."
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Whitney Curtis
"Taking Taylor’s courses and being a part of the Inner Circle over the past few years has done wonders to my self mastery over my mindset as both a business owner and mother. The work we learn to get in touch with our own souls and to keep the energetic hygiene immaculate has been integral to clearing energy, welcoming in blessings and allowing me to connect fully to my own soul for all the decisions I have to make on a daily basis. This work has taught me that by showing up consistently and investing in my worthiness, I can trust I will always be taken care of. As a mother and a business owner I am constantly faced with the unknown which can bring up lack and fear like crazy. Having Taylor’s mentorship and teachings has proven to be a backbone for how I see the world and I use the training, rituals and practices on a daily basis"

Frequently Asked Questions

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 Laura Guilmain
"I have more grace, peace, and trust for the journey, and I'm seeing so much progress with my devotion to aligned action in my business and personal life."
"Taylor has created something powerful in this space. The ROI continues to amaze me and keeps me coming back— I'm now on my third round! We are all called to grow and lead. Too many back down because they don't know how to hold it all, or they get distracted. I've been there. The spiritual practices, methods, tools, healings, and philosophy within the Inner Circle have all helped me come home to myself. I have more grace, peace, and trust for the journey, and I'm seeing so much progress with my devotion to aligned action in my business and personal life. My husband legit keeps calling me a superhuman because of the ease and beauty I've consistently shown during this season. I am forever grateful for you and how you love and serve, Taylor!"

The less aligned you are with your higher self, the harder life gets. 

The more aligned you are with your higher self, the easier life gets. 



A: Spend years learning this work while spending tens of thousands of dollars on your healing, spiritual development and overall self-mastery.


B: Learn from someone who has done it and who will lead you to your own quantum leap and higher frequency. Someone who will help you awaken and activate your greatness and help you connect to your higher self in a fraction of the time and investment.



  • Learned and fully understood the energetic principles to thriving in business and life.


  • Create quantum leaps and with ease.


  • Connect with your higher self and your gifts.


  • Self heal and release lower frequencies to embody a higher vibrational frequency.


  • Step fully into your power and enhance and expand every area of your life


  • Become magnetic to attract your desires.


  • Deepen your spiritual connection God and with higher realms of light.


  • Stop self-sabotaging your desires, clear unconscious belief patterns and begin to manifest your dreams.


  • Care less about the outside world and pave your own path to start feeling more powerful, worthy and and confident.


  • Shift limited thinking patterns and limitations and begin living in your purpose.


  • Come into alignment on a physical, mental, spiritual and emotional level and become the master and powerful creator of your own life.


  • Shed and release the parts of you that aren't serving your highest good and instead start living without limitations.
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 Liz Arias
“I have joined prior groups/programs by Taylor and they keep getting more and more valuable with her evolution as a healer”
"Being a member of the Inner Circle - especially during the pandemic, was so special given the support and inspiration not only from Taylor but the other members as well. Continually learning and growing spiritually thanks to Taylor’s guidance has been so valuable and I feel I have grown more of a foundation of who I am and less likely to struggle/ worry about things as I did in the past. I have joined prior groups/programs by Taylor and they keep getting more and more valuable with her evolution as a healer but also my own evolution into my highest self."
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Risa Cohn
“I've seen remarkable changes in real time, I've reconnected with my divine power and continue to see my life evolving.”

"The Inner Circle was the next best step in re-engaging my spiritual journey to living a more soulful, magnetic, loving and abundant life. Throughout the program I've also gone through a lot of healing while acknowledging my own power to create the life I truly want. We all have blocks and fears but I've relearned through my own power and that of the universe, how to heal from this and move beyond those inner limitations. I've seen remarkable changes in real time, I've reconnected with my divine power and continue to see my life evolving. For many years I struggled with feeling stuck...but this program made me unstuck and has started to propel me into the experiences I've only been wishing to have...which are now manifesting!"

You have infinite potential that desires to be expressed.


Choose yourself and make this the year it happens.

It's time to raise your vibrational frequency so that you step more into your power and embody your gifts.



We begin January 13th, 2025

 *Enrollment is limited to just 30 women to keep the container intimate and spots will fill quickly*
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